Dear Attendee:

We are honored to present the Research Papers Memoir that will be exposed in the
24th International Congress of Pediatrics held in Cancún, México
from August 15th – 20th, 2004.

We hope you find it useful and we thoroughly thank all the Authors that sent Abstracts for their major contribution to Pediatrics Research Worldwide.

You will be able to find Abstracts by the following categories:

  • Specialty
  • Country (of the Main Author)
  • Key Words in the Abstract's Title
  • Author's Last Name
To be able to open each abstaract, your computer must have installed a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader. It can be found in "Extras" section.
Sincerely Yours,
Research Papers CommitteeEditorial Committee
Represented by:
Dr. Luis Carbajal RodríguezDr. Armando Garduño Espinosa
Dr. Juan José Luis Sienra MongeDr. Ricardo Enrique Ruiz Ramírez