Ch. A. Imanalieva, G.G. Najimidinova, E. K. Boronbaeva
Kyrgyz  Research Institute of Obstetrics and  Pediatrics
c. Bishkek

The results of the epidemiological and hygienic research during 1990 – 1995 assumed as a basis of this work. In general 11 455 children and teenagers living in regions differed by the ecogical situation (the areas with geo - chemical anomalyof soil, mercury, geo – chemical province and control areas according with them) were covered by the epidemiological research regions were found.

Based on the researches the rank significance of the medicobiologic and the socio-hygienic risk factors of the child’s atopic dermatitis developing was defined with regard for air pollution, the peculiarities of alimentary and respiratory canals changing were marked out.

Based on the immune test of 1 and 2 levels the data on the peculiarity of the patient s immune system in dependence of the degree and character of air pollution were received. The determination of mercury in biomedium of organisms from the mercury province allowed defining reliably its high level in blood and urine.

It was shown that the efficiency of complex therapy, applying of terfen and liquid bio additions with bifid bacterium is much higher for the patients from the clean areas.

The prognostic models of dynamic of prevalence of skin allergy diseases for nearest 10-12 years allowed expecting its increasing for 2 times in average.