Li X1, Guo ZP2, Zhao B1, et al

1Department of Radiology, Tianjin Children's Hospital, China

2 Department of Surgery, Tianjin Children's Hospital, China


Objective: To evaluate the value of computed tomography diagnosis small bowel obstruction in children.

Methods: Thirty-one cases small bowel obstruction manifestation of CT and plain film radiography were analyzed. Ranging in age from 9 months to 14 years.

Results: The degree accuracy diagnosis of 19 cases and 29 cases by plain film and CT. The etiology accurate diagnosis by CT 18 cases, include small bowell stone 4 cases, intussusception 5 cases, location adhesion of the infection 6 cases, inside bowel lumen duplication 1 cases, congenital umbilical hernia 1 case, congenital malrotation of the intestine 1 case, combine with history of abdominal surgical operation CT accurate etiology diagnosis 25 cases. The false-negative of 4 cases and 2 cases by plain film and CT. 

Conclusion  The susceptibility of CT diagnosis ischemia and bowel wall contain air bubble more than plain film. The configuration of narrow bowel will suggest the cause of obstruction. CT show cause of obstruction advantage over plain film. CT examination help for clinical treatment.