Zhang Yuwen, Lin Lin, Liu Xiaorong, Guo Yuhong, et al.

Beijing Children's Hospital, Beijing 100045, China


Objective: To explore the immune inheritance mechanism of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome(INS) in children and the correlation between clinical pattern of INS in children and HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) typing.

Method: We collected the clinical data of 54 children with INS (including OPD and inpatients through 1997), who come from north area of China predominantly (88.9%) and we divided these patients into two types - simple and nephritic INS. According to the response to steroid and relapsing frequency we divided them into three groups - sensitive (S-group), resistant (R-group) and frequency (F-group). The HLA typing (including A, B sites and classified genes-DR antigen typing ) had been determined with PCR/SSP method in above 42 cases (77.8%) and above 52 cases (96.3%) respectively. We concluded the above data about HLA typing and combined with their clinical patterns, and performed statistics analysis (with relative risk, RR and P correct, Pc).

Result: The immune examination showed S-IgGand S-IgM,CD4,NKin either R-group or F-group, S-group. The determination of HLA-classified genes-DR antigen typing indicated that HLA- DR9,- DR10 had been correlated with INS remarkably; S- group had been correlated with DR9 very closely (Pc <0.001); R-group had been correlated with DR10 (Pc <0.05).

Conclusion: There were S-IgGand S-IgM, CD4,NKin R-group, F-group, S-group of our study, which could induce infection easily for children with INS . S- group had been correlated with DR9 very closely and R-group had been correlated with DR10 in the 52 cases with INS, which suggested that there were abnormal immune functions and immune inheritance in the children with INS. The relationship between abnormalities of immune functions and immune inheritance in pathogenesis of INS in children will be explained in future.