Li XD, Li HY, Zhang XH, Wang XM

Dept. of Pediatrics, Minal General Hospital of ShuangYa Shan, Heilongjiang, China


Objective: To study the relationship between the clinical characteristics of Tourette syndrome (TS) and the patient environment

Methods: Survey on environment of sixteen patients with TS, fill with the form of environment which content included four aspects: relationship between mother and father, family discipline, family economics, family history, analyzed the clinical data and environment.

Result: The age of onset in this group were from 10 to 13 in 11 cases (69%). Boy incidence (94%) were higher than girl incidence (6%). There were family history in 6 cases, there were several moter tics and a verbal tic in all cases, two cases (12%) manifested sensory tics, eight cases (50%) manifested abnormal behavior. Conclusions of environment investigation were: TS incidence in quarrelsome families or divorced families were 69% and in harmonious families were 12%; discipline children by scolding and punishing currented 82%, but by encouraging and patient education currented 6%; In superior economies families currented 31% but in inferior economies families currented 69%.

Conclusions: We conclude that the environment effect on the incidence of TS, family discipline associated with the characteristics of sensory tics and abnormal behavior. So this investigation would benefit parents to adjust children psychology. Let children live in the harmonious and relaxed environment, this would reduce the incidence of TS. It would alleviate patient condition that parents avoid scolding and punishing children.