Expression of Th1 and Th2 type cytokines in hepatitis B immunization failure children

Wang JS, Zhu QR, Yu H, Zhang T.

Children¡¯s Hospital, Fudan University. Shanghai, China.


Objective: To investigate the Th1 and Th2 type cytokines response in children with hepatitis B immunization failure.

Methods: Interleukin-4 (IL4), interferon-gamma (INFg), interleukin-12 (IL12) P40 transcription of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 27 children with persistent HBV infection since birth (immunization failure), 7 with transient HBV infection at less than 1 year of age were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. 27 with positive anti-HBs response and never positive HBsAg as control.

Results: Compared with control or transient infected children, persistent infected children expressed a marked higher spontaneous INFg transcription (persistent vs control, P=0.001; persistent vs transient, P=0.026), and a less spontaneous IL4 transcription. Upon HBsAg stimulation, All control and transient infected children expressed a striking increase of INFg transcription, contrast to only 63% persistent infected children (persistent vs control, p=0.017). No significant differences of IL12P40 spontaneous transcription, or IL12P40 and IL4 transcription upon HBsAg stimulation and no significant differences of IL4, IL12P40, and INFg upon PHA stimulation were found.

Conclusion: Over spontaneous INFg transcription and under expression of INFg transcription upon specific stimulation exists in hepatitis B immunization failure children, and may contribute to the immunopathogenesis and persistence of HBV.