Ren RN, Chen XM, Ling MY, Ye LY, Cao HQ

Pediatric Center of PLA, Department of Pediatrics, Fuzhou Dongfong Hospital, Fuzhou, China


Objective: To further analyze personality features of children with epileptic children.


Methods: A control study was carried out between 44 children with epileptic children. (epileptic children group)and 40 normal children (control group) by using Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (junior).


Results: The epileptic children group has a lower average score in E-scale (P<0.05),a higher one in N-scale or P-scale and L-scale then the control group(P<0.05),.suggesting that the children with epileptic children. are characteristic of personality of introvert, unstable type.


Conclusion: Our data suggested that children with epileptic children introvert, unstable personality are significantly more susceptible with introvert, unstable than those with extrovert, stable personality preliminary psychological therapy should thus be administered.