Lubetkin A.M., Granero M.H, Granero M Agnelli H, Agnelli de M.I.

FUMCER, R¨ªo Cuarto,C¨®rdoba, Argentina


ABSTRACT 1. This research summarises some of the tasks carried out by our group through more than 20 years of studies on cholesterol (chol.) in children and adolescents in the city of R¨ªo Cuarto and two towns within its area of influence. 2. We submit the levels ascertained in 2778 children in R¨ªo Cuarto, 1809 in General Deheza and 636 in Sampacho, all from 5 to 17 years of age.Finally, a study on adolescents was performed in the Universidad Nacional de R¨ªo Cuarto because, as Luepker holds, a child´s factors of risk increase significantly in adolescence. 3. The screening method was selected for the dosages of cholesterol .Those  youngsters who in the initial inquest showed 200 or more mg/dl. were subjected to a lipide profile with ascertainment of the following parameters: Total chol., HDL chol., LDL chol., Triglicerids and ApoB. Socioeconomic levels of the investigated universum were taken under account, thus achieving that the sample be demostrative of the incidence better nourishment has on the better-off groups as compared to lower values in those of a lesser socioeconomic level. 4. Today it is overwhelmingly accepted that dislipoproteinemia is the main risk in cardiac coronary disease. But there are others of equal gravitation. 5. Students of university level between 17 and 25 years old were examined, because we thought that by extending this research to those ages we are contributing to improve prevention in the adolescence. 6. The results obtained were very similar to those achieved in the group from 5 to 17 years old.Trough this research we strive to launch a campaign of national  propagation to awaken a consciousness concerning prevention and healthy nutrition habits among those groups. 7. Obesity increases lipides and insulin levels, and blood pressure. 8. In adolescents  and adults, and even children after 10, adiposity is associated to fatty streaks, raised arterial lesions and calcifications in the aorta and coronary arteries. 9. The link between an increase in body fat, and that of both systolic tension and cholesterol and LDL chol. is now undisputed. 10. The connection between obesity and increased cholesterol on one side and abnormalities in the lipoproteins on the other is not always lineal, 11. Our fundamental aim in public health is the prevention of an excessive increase of weight during childhood and adolescence, and that will be attained in the three most important levels:a)School education.b) Promotion of physical activities in schools and gymnasiums.c)Changes at a community level to promote a wholesome style of life right from childhood.