Liu Meiqin, Wei Xijing and Zhao Shujie

Dept. of pediatrics, the 323rd military hospital, Xi’an, Shanxi, China


We reported our treatment experience with 69 patients with severe asthma, which was defined using the criteria of Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease 1993, 16 (suppl. Asthma). In all patients, 55(M/F 31/24) were children, with ages from 3 months to 12 years, attacked with moderate or severe asthma. 9 children patients were less than 3 years, and 46 ranged in age from 3 to 12 years. 14 patients (M/F5/9) belonged to adults asthma. In these children asthma, 10 possessed personal hypersensitivity history. 16 had family history of sensitivity in their I or II grade relativity. The induced factors are as follows: post-exercise, inhaled cold-air, fatigue or attach to allergic agents. All patients had different degrees of dyspnea or short of breath, frequently coughing, tightness in the chest, and palpitation, some patients breathed hard and had to sit up all night or felt dysphoretic, some were anteverted with their speech difficulty, and mental stress, restless, perspiration. Participation of assistant respiratory muscles and conflicted motion of chest and abdomen in some severe patients with short of shallow breathing may appear. Their heart rates were usually more than 120/min. Pulmonary function examination showed PEF>30%, PEV1<60% expected value. Analysis of arterial gas showed various degrees of low-oxygen blood and high-PaCo2.

Experience: First, it’s necessary for asthmatic patients to individualize the treatment with medicine. Based on the combination treatment of giving oxygen and transfusion, relief of bronchial spasm as well as anti-inflammatory was important, and should be used as regular treatment., thus the symptom of dysponea and lung function and low-oxygen blood in asthmatic patients can be improved during acute asthmatic attack. All necessary treatment should be giving as soon as possible. These measurements involved as follows:(1) Beta 2 receptor antagonist was inhaled for relieving of bronchial spasm, usually 0.5%Vetolin solution is the drug of first choice. (2) Corticosteroids should be given by intravenous drip simultaneously. (3)Antihistamine and aminophylline were also recommended in dealing with the severe asthmatic attack.. Regular therapeutic course is 3~6 months during the period of acute attack. The treatment may in time be given individually according the different course and patients’ conditions. The dosage of medicine should be adjusted promptly. Once acute asthmatic attack was controlled, the time of maintenance therapy and maintenance dosage should be depended upon the patients’ specific condition. It is worth noting that the side effects of aminophylline by intravenous administration in some primary hospitals should be kept close observation. The drug should be discontinued if its toxicity and side -effects were occurred, and other therapeutic measures were also resorted. In addition, education of asthmatic knowledge must be given the patients while in period of remission.