Shen L-X, Zhang J-S, Xue M-B, Sheng X-Y, Jin X-M

XinHua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai, China


Objective: To try to find a new way in treating children with learning disabilities.

Methods: We selected fifty female learning disabled children whose intelligence was normal in the clinic. They were aged from seven to ten. All of them were tested by sensory integration. Twenty-three children were sensory integrative dysfunction, and twenty-seven children were not sensory integrative dysfunction. Eleven of the twenty-three children who were sensory integrative dysfunction took the sensory integrative training, and the rest of them took Ritalin. Twelve of the twenty-seven children who were not sensory integrative dysfunction took the sensory integrative training, and the rest of them took Ritalin.

Result: 1.The children who were sensory integrative dysfunction: Eight of the eleven children who took the sensory integrative training learned better than before. Nine of the twelve children who took Ritalin learned better than before(X2=0.123, P)0.05).

2. The children who were not sensory integrative dysfunction: Four of the twelve children who were taken sensory integrative training learned better than before. Thirteen of the fifteen children who were taken drug therapy learned better than before (X2=6.01, P0.05.

Conclusion: 1. The effect of the sensory integrative training is just as well as drug therapy for the children who were sensory integrative dysfunction.  2. The effect of the sensory integrative training was not good enough than drug therapy for the children who were not sensory integrative dysfunction.