HLA-system antigens in children from unfavorable Aral Sea region

Mazhitova Z, Sagatbayeva N

Kazakh State Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Objective: The aim of the HLA-complex condition research of the children in the Aral Sea region (ASR).

Methods: The immunogenetical research was held with 100 children, living in the ASR. The research group was consisted of Kazakh children. Typing of HLA-antigens was held with the help of the Minsk serum panel in standard test (Terasaky).

Results: The healthy adult Kazakh people have all typing HLA-antigens of Ι&ΙΙ classes. In the research group of children almost all types antigens of the Ι class were met with different frequency. The most met antigens were in locus A –A1, A2, seldom - A11, A3, A26, A23, A32; in locus B – B27, B40, seldom - B13, B37, B62, B50; in locus C - the Cw7, Cw4, seldom - Cw3, Cw6. The analyses of inner-& interlocus combinations showed that the phenotypes in locus A - A1, 2; A1, 3; A2, 3; A2; 11 and in locus B - B40, 27; B27, 35; B44, 60 were met most frequently. Haplotypes: A2B62; A2B60; A2B15; A3B27; A11B27 were met most frequently. The held research showed the raising frequenting of not typical antigens for the population. Such as: A26, A28, B27, B62, B60, Cw1; and on the contrary lowery frequency of the antigens which were met in the population often – A9, A10, B5, B7, B17, B15, B40.

Conclusion: The prior result shows the peculiarity of the phenotype, found in the condition of the ecological trouble during the several generations.