Chronic non-infected colitis in children

living in the Aral Sea region

Mazhitova Z, Turlibekova Z, Eszhanova E

Kazakh State Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Objective: Chronic non-infected colitis (CNC), ulcerative colitis constitute two of the more serious chronic diseases encountered in the practice of paediatric gasroenterology. 328 children in age of 7-18 years old were examined in Gastroenterological Center and ”Ecology and Children” department of the Republican Childrens Hospital ”Axay” (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

Methods: Following clinical and special methods were conducted: colonoscopy with simultaneously taking the smears from colon mucous, microscopic investigation of smears-marks, irrigoscopy.

Results: The structure of colon pathology in children was detected: CNC (74,7%), ulcerative colitis (0,8%), rectum polyps (0,8%), prolapsus of the rectum (0,4%), haemorrhoids (0,8%), chap of asshole (0,8%), papillitis (0.4%), dolichocolon (9,8%), dolichosigma (53,9%), encopres (0,4%), aggravated intestine syndrome (8,2%). Following syndromes were being detected at CNC: epithelial (78%), constipation (79%), dyspepsia (48%), pain (66%), asteno-neurotical (62%), articular (21%), cardiovascular (69%), chronic intoxication (80%). Endoscopic variants of CNC: superficial, erosive-haemorrhagic, subatrophic. Changes of colon mucous superficial epithelium: inflammatory-dystrophical (37%), reactive-proliferative (16,6%), dysphasia of different degree (46%).  

Conclusion: CNC in children – protractedly current disease, which is characterized by violations of physiological regeneration of colonocells and functional upset colon.