Cai RG1Ji HG2Guo D1

1.XinHua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical UniversityShanghai,China

2.Second Military Medical University, Shanghai,China


Objective: To investigate visual habituation behavior of normal infantsto know whether the function of infants' brain could be understood and anticipated by means of behavior of habituation.

Methods: 538 normal infants aged 0-3 years were exposed to a redundant visual stimulus repeated 6 times and novel one at 10-second intervals. Electronic control and simultaneous camcorder system was applied to record infants' fixation time to each stimulus. Response decrement and response recovery was calculated.

Results: The infants' fixation time decreased gradually over 6 repeated trials and recovered when a novel stimulus was given. Younger infants looked at the stimuli longer than the older infants. The rate of response decrement as well as response recovery increased with age.

Conclusion: As more mature infants habituate more efficiently, it is anticipated that habituation behavior can be used as an indicator to differentiate infants' brain function.