effect observed of “three combined therapy” treats asthma in children

Wang M , Xiong A-X, Fu J-F

Yichang Central Hospital, Yichang, China


Objective: To assess the efficacy and best treatment scheme on children with asthma.

Methods: 45 children with asthma were demanded to inhale Pulmicort, Ventolin and taken Theophylline Controlled Release Capsules orally at the same time. They inhalered Ventolin 200ug per time, 3-4 times per day and stop it 5-7 days later after symptom controlled. Then Pulmicort 200ug per time, 2-3 times per day, and decreased to 200ug per time, 1-2 times per day after one month, then 200ug per day for maintaining. The treatment period was a year. Take Theophylline Controlled Release Capsules 0.1g every 12 hours and stop it 4 week later. At the same time, PEFR of 26 cases among them were observed.

Results: It showed that clinic control was in 16 cases (35.6),apparent effect in 23 cases (51.1),take effect in 4 cases (8.9),inefficacy

In 2 cases (4.4),General effective rate was 95.6.adverse reaction was not detected. PEFR up and down showed that: PEFR at 1, 3 and 6 months were improved remarkably after combine anterior treatment (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.01)

Conclusion: Giving Pulmicort, Ventolin and Theophylline Controlled Release Capsules combined can take the problem on the surface and at the root. It can also reduce administer times and dose, but not reduce the effective rate. Patient’s administer compliableness are proved greatly.