Pang Ning1, Zhou Xiang1, Ding Jinghong1, Wang Tailin2, Zhang Jing2

1 Department of Pediatrics

2 Department of Pathology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China


Objective: Probe into new congnition on FSGS

Methods: Review the autopsy data of two children FSGS cases. According to the pathologic characteristics go further into the pathogenesis, causes of death & treatment.

Results: (1) The lesion of FSGS are mainly located at juxta medullar glomeruli; account for approximately 20-30% glomeruli. The size of the FSGS glomeruli are bigger than the remainder which had no light microscopic changes; except for the glomerular tuft epithelial cells are swelling (that shows increased permeability). (2) The above renal pathologic changes sustained the recent observation that the circulating permeability factor (CPF)etc.implicated in the pathogenesis of FSGS. (3) In minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) the initial bigger size glomeruli is a highly sensitive predictor to develop to FSGS. (4) Clinical manifestations of the cases were: heavy proteinuria , edema. no severe renal function deteriorated. Causes of death in case 1 were cardiac, cerebral & laryngeal severe edema. Case 2 were complicated with mycotic pneumonia,electrolytic disturbance. (5) Undergone the 6 months’ course in case 2 the aorta showed lipid spots & streaks. (6) FSGS may sensitive to steroid or combined immunosuppresive agents, But considerably of FSGS do not respond to these therapy as our two patients.

Conclusion: According to the clinical & pathologic data of these two cases,sustained that the CPF etc implicated in the pathogenesis of FSGS. It is necessary to attach importance for study the CPF and focus treatment on it, as performed plasmapheresis, immunabsorbtion. Prophylaxis, treatment for complications are important. Study on the pathogenesis& treatment of FSGS would probe deeply in the future.