Ormisson A

Department of Pediatrics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia


Objective: to present an overview over the presently available subjects in regard to the timely recognition of birth risks and neonatal outcome. In regard to the availability of cohorts for practical clinical consequences and possibly preventive actions in antenatal and birth care, they have to be based on sufficiently large numbers to allow statistical evaluation. Furthermore, studies on the effects of socio-economic variables on health, morbidity and mortality of newborns are often associated with difficulties of a conceptual or methodological nature. During last twenty years, when perinatal and infant mortality rates had reduced considerably, determinants have shifted from economic factors to health care indicators. Such cohorts have in general to be based on the linkage of clinical and social, as well as on maternally linked birth and infant mortality data - a procedure not available to the necessary extent in many countries.

Special attention will be given to timely prevention of premature births. It is based on a selection of teaching-contents, including life-style, health-visiting, nutritional- and medication-advice, drinking and smoking for pregnant women. Among the reports given the following subjects will be included:

Predictors of prematurity and its repetition.

Neonatal outcome of intrauterine growth restriction and fetal macrosomia.

Vaginal infection and prematurity.

Adverse effects of severe anaemia in pregnancy.

Smoking during pregnancy and perinatal outcome.

Neonatal outcome can markably be improved by early recognition of risks and timely interventions.


