Pairojkul S,1 Suppakhunpinyo C,1 Jetsrisuparb J,1 Siripul P,2 Pajanasoontorn N.3

Depts of 1Pediatrics and 3Psychiatry, Fac of Medicine and 2Dept of Maternal and Child Health, Fac of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand


Objective:  The MCHE-FOC workshop was made possible by a partnership between Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), USA and Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thailand.  The purpose of the partnership and associated workshop was to catalyze the development regional MCHE training centers operating with an emphasis on the special needs of children and women.

Methods:  A two-day workshop for the training of facilitators preceded the main workshop so that key aspects could be reviewed, revised and rehearsed.  The MCHE-FOC workshop itself comprised 25 lectures which included audio-visual presentations.  After each lecture participants were divided into small groups where they read and worked through the relevant part of a multi-phased case designed to accompany the lectures.  The small groups used an adaptation of problem-based learning (PBL).

Results:  The 30 participants in the workshop included:  10 from Khon Kaen, 12 from around Thailand, 3 from Indonesia, 3 from Lao PDR, 1 from India, and 1 from Vietnam.  A majority (59%) of the of the participants felt the workshop was useful and practicable, while 41% felt it informative.  Three quarters (76%) of the participants felt the PBL-process of going through the case histories inculcated the lecture principles.  On a scale of 1 to 5 (poor to best), the participants¡¯ confidence to help in a CHE situation after the training averaged 3.82.  Concerns or fears which persisted despite the training included:  security (35%), lack of experience (24%), cross-cultural difficulties (18%), conflict resolution (12%) and self-preparedness (12%).

Conclusion:  Participants, facilitators and guest speakers agreed that the workshop was stimulating and worthwhile¡ªthat it was a profound learning experience and one that the CWRU and KKU team should extend to others.