Pikuza O., Zakirova A., Shoshina I., Petrova G.

The Kazan medical university, Tatarstan, Russia


Objective: the deployment of new pathogenetic mechanisms of acute bronchi-pulmonary a pathology, in which clinical current for the last years is observed significant transformation.

Methods: 255 children in the age of from 1 till 15 years are examinated, at which the parameters of colonizations resistanse of a oral cavity, concentration of complement component С3 and condition of cell membranolyse (malonic dialdehyde, 5`-nucleotidase) were investigated.

Results: the decrease of oral streptococci adhesive activity, closely interconnected with severity of lesions of bronchi-pulmonary system is established. In all children with parameters natural colonization at £1 were registered severy forms of process. On background of inflammatory lesion of lung is marked reduction of complement С3-component up to 0.75±0.08 g/L, and at a level it 0.37 g/L and lower pneumonia had the complicated current at all children. In parallel to severity of inflamatory process in lung were changed cell membranolyses prosess, what indicated essential increase of a level 5`-nucleotidaseup to 237.99±19.92 ncat and malonic dialdehyde up to 4,95±0,9 mmol/L.

Conclusion: the correlation between character of current of a bronchi-pulmonary pathology at children and condition of the immune status is established. In cases of a severity lesions of a pulmonary system is revealed the essential decrease a parameters of colonization resistans, complement С3-component, functionally interconnected with a condition of cell membranolyse. Thus is marked change of these parameters in opposite directions. The there were below levels of complement С3-component, the the damage of membrane structures of cells was stronger.

The shown data enable to increase effectiveness of therapy of the patients, at the expense of adequate correction circumscribed pathogenetic changes.