Lee YS, Low SL, Loke KY

National University Hospital, Singapore


Objectives: To examine the areal and volumetric bone mineral density (BMD) of healthy children, and the association with age, gender, height and pubertal stages.

Methods: Twenty-six subjects were screened and BMD of lumbar spine, femoral necks, and total body were measured using the Norland DEXA model XR-36.  There were fifteen females and eleven males (twenty-four Chinese and two Indians).

Results: Areal BMD of lumbar spine and femoral neck increase with age, height, and pubertal stages.  There was also positive correlation between total body BMD and age.  However, the correlations between volumetric BMD of lumbar spine and femoral necks with age, height and pubertal stage are poor. 

Conclusion: Areal BMD increases with age, height and pubertal stages, but volumetric BMD is less dependent on age and growth variables.  Thus the increase in areal BMD with age and growth variables may be largely due to increase in bone volume rather than bone mineral deposition, which is largely corrected for in the volumetric BMD model. Age, height and pubertal stage must be taken into consideration when establishing normal reference values for bone mineral density in children.