Said M, and Kamal M

New Children’s Hospital, Cairo University, Egypt


Objective: The present study was carried out to determine the association of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) with muscuskeletal and connective tissue disorders and the clinical implications of such an association.

Methods: Twenty-four children aged between 9-13 years old, 16 females and 8 males, were diagnosed to have MVP syndrome clinically by auscultatory criteria of having systolic click and murmur and confirmed by cross-sectional echocardiography using two dimensional modality in the parasternal long axis. Thoracic cage dimensions in 25 normal children of a similar age and sex have been previously examined clinically to exclude any possibilities of having MVP and used for comparison as a control group.

Results: Complete physical examination and x-ray of the bony thorax of the study group revealed bony deformities, which were subdivided into four main groups according to the predominant deformity on the clinical grounds. Shallow chest with pectus excavatum , straight back , kyphosis and elliptical chest  with marfanoid type, all were reported in the cases of the study.

Conclusion: It is concluded that musculoskeletal abnormalities have to be considered as nonauscultatory features of MVP. Therefore, any child with musculoskeletal deformity has to be screened for MVP by cross-sectional echocardiography to prevent life-threatening complications.