Dr Pejaver Ranjan K, Dr Nisarga R, Dr Gowda B

Division of Neonatology, Department of Paediatrics,

Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore, India


Objective: To study body temperature in newborn babies (birth weight less than 2 kgs) and detect hypothermia.

Methods: Twenty newborn babies (birth weight less than 2 kgs) admitted to postnatal ward of a large hospital was studied.

A device, liquid crystal temperature indicator called ThermoSpot (Hallcrest, Glenview, IL, USA) which is a sticky black disc (12mm in diameter) was placed on the neck/suprasternal region. Provided that the newborn baby¡¯s temperature is 35.5degrees Celsius or more, the black disc changes to green smiling face. If, however the temperature falls below 35.5 degrees celsius the disc reverts back to black and the mother/carer should immediately initiate warming. Rectal temperature was measured using a low-reading glass mercury thermometer thrice a day for five days and compared with the observed appearances of the disc. All rectal temperatures were measured by the same two persons. The study was explained to each mother and verbal consent was taken.

Results: Totally 300 routine readings were made. Amongst these there was only one occasion when there was hypothermia recorded on thermometer and ThermoSpot had just turned black. Remaining 299 readings were within range (35.5-37.5) and ThermoSpot was green with smiling face. There were 13 indications of hypothermia (black face) in between these routine recordings. 10 of them were recorded as low even on rectal thermometer, and three of these showed normal recording (>35.5 degrees C) on rectal thermometer. All twenty mothers had understood the ThermoSpot.

Conclusions: Thermospot was in agreement with rectal temperature in 310 out of 313 measurements. It correctly identified hypothermia in every case. ThermoSpot is a low-cost, simple, accurate device allowing continuos thermal monitoring of low birth weight infants, especially in resource poor setting. Mothers quickly understood the device and responded appropriately.