An Jiaqing, Jiang Wei
Beijing Children’s Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China

Staphylococcal Scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) was first described by Ritter Vonvittershin in 1976. It mainly occurs in children younger than 5-year-old. SSSS has been defined as a distinct entity which caused by staphylococcus aurous group 2, phage 71. The bacterial generates two soluble toxin-molytic toxins, A and B, which are responsible for the skin eruption. This is the difference between SSSS and toxic epidermal necrosis. From 1996 to 2000, 34 patients were hospitalized for SSSS in our hospital, and 8 in 1999,16 in 2000. The number of cases of SSSS has been doubled. The earlier the diagnosis was made and appropriate managements were given, the patients would be recovered. A delayed diagnosis or treatment without antibiotics would lead to an increased mortality. The 34 patients in our ward accepted cooperative therapy with antibiotics (Cephelosporins) and corticosteroid in the first 2 weeks. First, stimulating to skin must be get rid of. Secondary, exposure therapy will benefit to skin lesion recovery. Apparent pain of skin is a typical symptom. Holding patients in arms will lead to deeply injury. Avoiding venous punctures in the skin region with vesicles and excoriations. Protecting the intact of skin and nursing of oral mucous membrane. During convalescent, diet administration and decreasing skin pruritus are very important. Because the depletion of epidermolytic toxin is slow, we must pay attention to the fluid and electrolyte balance and the kidney function.