Merzlova N.B., Baburina L.V. 
Perm State Medical Academy, Russia

Objective: To reveal the spectrum of worm disease distribution and parasitosis in Perm region.
Methods: Questionnaire design of parents, common and biochemical blood analyses, immunoenzymatic analysis of patients blood for worms and parasitosis with the aim of determination of titre antibodies for opisthorchis filineus, toxocara and infection of lamblia, excrement test for worms and parasitosis, ultrasound investigation of liver, gall-bladder and pancreas. 
Results: From 109 persons dispeptic syndrome was observed often (81,7%). The main complaints were decreasing appetite (63,3%) and scrupulousness in the food (72,5%). Sickness was marked by 34,9% of investigated, vomit – by 16,5%, changeable stoll - by 25,7%, constipations–by 13,8%. 
In addition to the dispeptic syndrome, the most children had asthenovegetative syndrome (76,1%). Weakness was observed by 23,9% of investigated, quick fatiguability – by 29,4%, increased irritability – by 46,8%, headache – by 33,9%. 
Painful syndrome was marked by 66,1% children. About 38,5% of investigated suffered from pains localized around the umbilicus, about 11% of investigated -  pains localized in the right subcostal.
The results of this investigation by method of immunoenzymatic analysis had shown the infectiousness of children by infection of lamblia, toxocara and opisthorchis filineus. The infection of lamblia was observed in the 47,7% of the cases. Antibodies for toxocara in the titre 1:800 were determined by 1,8% of investigated children. Toxocarocarriage was marked about 12,8% of patients. Antibodies for opisthorchis filineus in the titre 1:100 and 1:200 were revealed  by 1,8% of investigated.
Conclusion: The infectiousness of children with lamblia in Perm region was about 47,7%. Compound invasion was observed by 1,8% of the children:lamblia + opisthorchis filineus. In the combination with lamblia were revealed toxocarocarriage about 6,4% of investigated.