Liu Jingcheng, Xiao Lihong, Liu Hong,Yang Jiyun

Department of pediatrics, First Hospital Beijing University, Beijing, China


Objective: To use the electron microscope in the diagnostic analysis of results obtained from renal biopsy specimens showing diffuse thining of the glomerular basement membrane (thickness<250nm)

Methods: 19 renal biopsy specimens with negative immunofluoresence results,and showing only minismal pathological-changes under the light microscope were investigated using the electron microscope.All specimens observed showed diffused thining of the glomerular basement membrane (<250nm).Indirect immunofluoreseme technique was employed to investigate the expression of cutaneous glomerular basement membrane ¦Á 1  (TV) and ¦Á 5  (TV) chains in skin biopsies of 7 casses that had a positive family history (mathernal) of microscopic hematuria

Results: (1) Two of the 19 cases investigated showed negative skin biopsy result confirming the diagnosis of alport syndrome (AS). (2) A specimen that had first been examined using the electron microscope and later subjected to immunohistochemical studies because the slid cover had slipped off was discovered to be a thin basement membrane nephropathy complicated by IgA nephropathy. (3) Electron dense materical deposits was observed in the mesangium in 6 cases observed, together with the clinical manifestations of these patients. Thin basement membrain nephropathy complicated by glomerulenephritis was considered a biagnosis. (4) No granular deposits was observed along the glomerular basement membrane in the 17 cases of TBMN whereas this was obsered in the 2 cases with alport syndrome

Conclusion: When using the electron microscope to diagnose TBMN, caution should be exercised to rule out alport syndrome and also the possibility of IgA nephropathy or glomerulnephritis complicating TBMN. Granular deposits along the glomerular basement membrane should also lead to a suspicion of alport syndrome.