Darmstadt GL1, Dixon S2, Odio, M3
1Save the Children Federation, Washington, D.C., USA
2Great Falls Montana, USA
3Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati Ohio, USA

This symposium, moderated by Dr. Darmstadt, will discuss recent research, tools, and trends focused on healthy development of children.  Dr. Darmstadt will begin the session with a global overview of newborn health, including particular challenges and opportunities to advance newborn health and survival in developing countries. He will present a conceptual framework for newborn health, including a costing analysis to guide newborn health programming at the country level.  

New perspectives on cognitive growth in young children will also be reviewed.  Direct interaction with the world, in the context of a sensitive and responsive emotional environment, fuels children’s mental growth.  The importance of exploration and discovery calls for new approaches to child care and nurturance.

Internet services, such as Pampers.com and the Pampers Parenting Institute enable the rapid sharing of these latest approaches with parents around the world and allows for broader exposure to different cultural approaches to child development.  They also allow parents to remain connected as changing demographics pull them further from traditional sources of parenting advice such as relatives and close friends.  The latest global trends in providing child development advice and in forming alliances to ensure healthy child development will be reviewed.