Chen YZ, Chen ZL, Ma Y, Lin LM, Liu YL
Asthma Clinic and Education Center of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, National Cooperation Group on Childhood Asthma, Beijing, China


Objective: To find out the prevalence of childhood asthma.
Methods:  A nationwide randomized survey, covering 40 cities, on the prevalence of childhood asthma was carried out by the National Pediatric Cooperative Group on Asthma Research from June to October, 2000 including a population of 432483 children aged 0-14 years, with a missing rate of 1.23%.
Results: 9950 were screened out as asthma associated children by means of questionnaire for the parents, physical examination and case history review. Among them 7308 (73.45%) children, aged 3 or more, were diagnosed as asthma of children; 1096 (11.02%) infants and young children, aged less than 3, as asthma of infants and young children; 787 (7.91%) as cough variant asthma; and 759 (7.63%) as questionable asthma (including asthmatic bronchitis). The prevalence of the average accumulated asthma of all the 0-14 years old asthma population (including asthma of older children and of infants and younger children mainly) in the 40 cities was 1.94%. There was statistically significant difference in asthma prevalence among the 40 cities, bring the highest in Chongqing (4.63%) and the lowest in Xining (0.25%). 70.7% of the children had their disease onset before three years old. 36 of the 40 cities had received the same kind of asthma prevalence survey 10 years ago, which made a vertical comparison of the two surveys available.
Conclusions: There has been a significant increasing trend of asthma prevalence during the ten years, especially in the older age group. From the data of present survey it was inferred that there has been quite some improvement, although not ideal, in the accuracy of diagnosis and in the practice of steroid inhalation therapy by the pediatricians in different cities.


