Georgijevic Milic Ljubica

Institute for Mother and Children, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia


Objective: We want to establish essential diagnostic criteria for ventricular dysrrhythmia (VDR) in children.

Methods: We use neinvasive diagnostic test: Auscultation hearts beat (ahb), electrocardiogram (ECG), X-ray, echocardiography (echo), Holter monitoring (HM) and routine laboratory analysis (la).

Results: VDR was classified according to the Garson and Gillete. Separate test was done on patient (pts) 91 with rare, frequent and paired VDR and 9 pts with ventricular tachycardia (VT). In all pts X-ray, echo and la where normal. On HM we analyzed heart contraction (hc) lowest, mean and highest frequencies, VES/24 hours and max VES per hours, than daily/night distribution VDR. In two to cases we started with therapy (amiodaron)-pts. Have sustained VT. In remain pts. Our research show that VDR self generated reduction during observation period.

Conclusion: The neinvasive cardiology test is inaf for diagnosis VDR in children.