Martínez A-N1, Oliveros L-F2

1Sección of Pediatrics, Clinical Cardinal red Lázaro ISSEMYM Metepec, Mexico

2Sección of Pediatrics, Infantile Maternal Hospital ISSEMYM Toluca, Mexico


Objective: To determine the effectiveness of Tamiz Neonatal's test in umbilical cord. I study designated: Open, prospective, longitudinal and descriptive.

Methods: They were studied the alive born patients in the Infantile Maternal Hospital to who are carried out Tamiz Neonatal in umbilical cord, pursuit it was given during 6 months, those with clinical data of congenital hipotiroidismo, one carries out thyroid profile and you confirms the positividad presence. He/she is carried out test of XI descriptive statistic 2 square for analysis of data.

Results:  They were carried out 8000 tests of Tamiz Neonatal of January from 1997 to January of the 2000 being detected 11 cases, 7 feminine and 3 masculine with ages between 1 and 7 months. In 9 cases the I diagnose it was for thyroid profile, 2 for sieve neonatal, for gamagrafía were 6 atiroticos and 5 with ectopia of thyroid fabric (Sublingual); 4 cases presented mental delay.

Conclusion: The Thyroid sufferings constitute the endocrine illnesses but you frequent in pediatrics. It is convenient that the one prescribes that he/she assists children this familiarized with the clinical data of Congenital Hipotiroidismo (HC), since the one diagnosis opportune and the appropriate therapy leads to the favorable evolution. The frequency in our country is of a case for each 2500 recently born (RN) alive. The HC rarely one will be able to diagnose for clinical sintomatología in RN, for what the technique of the Tamiz Neonatal is used, in our means we have seen that the detection in blood of umbilical cord gives errors diagnoses. The treatment but satisfactory it is the administration of Levotiroxina (EUTIROX) for via oral with initial dose of 10 to 15 mcg/kg/día carrying out readjustments each 4 to 6 weeks.