Valtcheva E, Tzaneva V

University Hospital ¡®St. Marina¡¯, Department of Pediatrics, Varna, Bulgaria


Objective: A case of Congenital Pyriform Sinus Fistula (CPSF) in a 6-year-old boy is reported who initially presented with acute suppurative thyroiditis followed by one year of clinical observation. For the first time that rare and little known pathology has been established at the clinic during its preoperative stage.

Methods: For the purposes of clinical observation and establishment of CPSF have been used clinical examination, serological laboratory tests, microbiological culture tests for oropharyngeal flora, tests for thyroid gland functioning, ultrasonography, oesophagoscopy with barium swallow, computer tomography.

Results: For a period of one year two recurrent episodes have been described, both on the left side of the neck.  The clinical examination showed acute suppurative thyroiditis.  Both times the onset was similar: after acute infections of the nasopharynx accompanied by fever a painful formation was localised on the left side of the neck that led to dysphagia and limited neck movement.  It was rapidly reduced after antibiotic therapy.  Laboratory data demonstrated increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leucocytosis, normal levels of TSH, FT4, TAT, MAT, presence of Staphylococcus aureus. Sonography of the neck showed a low density not clearly defined non-homogenous structure in the left lobe of the thyroid gland.  During oesophagoscopy with barium swallow, in the facing position penetration of the contrast matter is observed distally towards the left recessus pyriformis.  Immediately after the oesophagoscopy the child took in a carbonated drink and a CT scan of the neck was performed.  A zone of very high density (about 200 HE) was established corresponding to retained per os contrast and followed by two air collections.  We consider that particular sequencing to be a quick and painless method for proof of CPSF.

Conclusion: In a recurrent pathology in the left neck region with a clinical picture of acute thyroiditis especially with a boy, the differential diagnosis should consider CPSF.  The best method of treatment is operative resection.