Wang Feng, Shi Shuhua, Zhang Jing, Yang Shaoping

Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Wuhan, China


Objective: To investigate the rule of the synthetical therapy for the children with childhood autism.

Method: 59 cases of the children with childhood autism in no effect for drug were studied by the synthetical therapy (including special education, speech therapy, psychotherapy, auditory integrative training or /and sensory integrative training).

Results: Some cases were improved not only in the expression of speech, but also in the intelligence. 4/9 cases with sensory integrative training were in effect, 3/9 cases were in no sygnifcantly effect and 2/9 cases intermit training. 2 cases with auditory ingrative training and 2 cases with speech therapy were in effect. 5 cases with family education were in efect.

Conclusion: Children autism is pervasive development disorders. So far which cause and pathogenesis is unclear. Its effect is dissatisfactory with drug therapy only and prognosis of most patients in badness. Only adopt special education, behavior correction, especially perservere in active family education and drug therapy could obtain better results. At sametime it is necessary to tell the parent set up permanent concption of rehabilitation. The synthetical therapy was in effect to the children with childhood autism.