Jurković Petrušić J1, Petrušić B2, Obersnel B1

1Private Pediatric Practice, Rijeka, Croatia

2 Diagnostic Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases and T.B.C., Rijeka, Croatia


Objective: In spite of pharmacological innovations no satisfactory reduction in morbidity as well as mortality has been achieved. Partly  it is because of insufficient patients, knowledge about desease.

Methods: Both, children and their parents, are taught by the professionals how to correctly apply therapy, how to use pick flow metre, how to breathe properly. Children learn all about their disease through  the play and didactic aids.

Results: Up till now, 35 children and 70 their parents have been treated. In the final test parents who have completed the course  claimed greater self-confidence and no longer felt helpless. Their feelings of fear and panic had been greatly reduced and they were far more capable of helping their children. They have become aware of necessity for long-term treatment. They have also learnt the importance of preventive measures.

Conclusion: With more knowledge of the disease, they are better able to control the situations which occur and can react quickly, thus reducing the number of severe attacs, as well as the frequency and the duration of hospitalisations and the number of sick-days. A good knowledge of the disease can transform a worried and anxious parent into a competent and confident parent able to help in the control of a disease such as Asthma.