Nunez-Leon, F.1, Zarante, I. M.1, Serrano, P.2, Bernal, J. E.1

1 Human Genetics Institute, Medicine School, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia, S.A.

2 Nutrition Department, Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota, Bogota, Colombia, S.A.


Objective: This study described the frequency of common illnesses, nutritional status, ocular health, pathological antecedents and relatives of the children belonging to 37 indian, afrocolombian and isolated groups in Colombia.

Methods: This studies were performed during the field work (1992 – 1993) in a project called “Gran Expedición Humana” (Great Human Expedition). We carried out 19 trips, before these trips was carried out visits to each one of the places in order to inform the objective of the mission, obtain the consent of the community, evaluate the conditions of work and agree the date of their realization. The election of each community was carried out according to the previous knowledge of the ethnos and to the operative accessibility. The trips were carried out multi disciplinary professionals groups. Professionals in Microbiology, Nursery, Ophthalmology, Dentistry and Medicine. During the consultation Interpreters worked in those places where the inhabitants didn't speak the Spanish. We used a format of clinical history preset for the minor of 18 years. Upon concluding the stage of field, we checked the clinical histories and standardized the diagnoses with ICD-9 of the Health World Organization. The analyzed sample included 4,498 individuals distributed in 31 native, 5 afro-colombian and 1 isolated group.

Results: In the native communities studied 3,464 individuals, 32% (1.679) they were of male and 68% (1.768) female. Similar distribution exhibited the other studied populations. The distribution for ages exhibited that most of the children were in the group of 5 to 9 years (28%) followed by the group of 1 to 4 years (26%). The afrocolombian communities and isolated they behaved from similar way. The most frequent diagnoses were in their order: Intestinal Parasitism: 30.4% (1394), healthy Individuals 20.2% (927), breathing Infection 11.1% (508), dental Cavities 8% (368) and diarrhea Illness 6.1% (278). In the first 15 diagnoses in order of frequency prevailed the infectious illnesses in the 3 analyzed groups. after the pathologies of infectious origin appear Lumbalghia, Migraine and bronchial Asthma. In the ophthalmologic analysis was that the 66% (1.648) it of the studied population was hemithrope. The following ophthalmologic diagnoses was in their order: Hipermethropy 13.1% (330), bacterial Conjunctivitis 3.6% (90), allergic Conjunctivitis 3.5% (87), Astigmatism 3.4% (86) and Myopia 2.2% (56). The 70% of the interviewees relate to have not had previous illnesses. The antecedents more frequently reported corresponds to pathologies of infectious type.

Conclusion: For the first time in the worldwide literature an investigation describes, using the same instrument, the state of health of about 5,000 children belonging to communities native, afrocolombian and isolated groups of the second country in human diversity which is Colombia. The pathology found in these groups is similar to the discoveries found in other populations isolated in countries of the third world and differs of them enunciated in rural or urban zones with accesses to the services of organized health.