Ng Wing Man

Paediatric Infectious Diseases Unit (PIDU), Princess Margaret Hospital,

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China


The Special Immunization Programme was launched in 1995 as one of the community-oriented service to the general paediatric population.  We accept referral from all Maternal and Child Health Centers, Paediatric units in Public Hospital and Private Paediatricians in Hong Kong SAR with the objective of providing specialist advice for problems related to immunization in children.  We receive approximately 250-350 consultations each year.  The appointment can be made by phone and the clinic is now held once per week in the Paediatric Infectious Diseases Ward. 

The reasons for referring to the Special Immunization Clinic include adverse systemic or local reactions to previous vaccinations. Pre-existing childhood diseases may contraindicate further vaccination or need special precaution during vaccine administration; anaphylactic or allergic reactions to certain food component which might need counseling before vaccination and close observation afterward.

During each consultation, the child will be assessed by a paediatric infectious diseases nurse, and he/she will be seen by a paediatric specialist.  Detail history will be obtained with particular attention to the history of allergy or anaphylactic reaction, either to food, drug or vaccine.  After assessment and advice, the appropriate vaccine/s will be administered and the child will be closely observed for 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the circumstances.  Proper entries will be recorded in the immunization record.  The child will be discharged after parents education by the nursing staffs of the PIDU.