Rowicka G, Hozyasz K, Milanowski A, Ksiazyk J, Radomyska B
Pediatric Department of National Research Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland

Celiac disease [ CD ] is defined as a life – long intolerance  to gliadyn and related prolamines from other cereals such as barley, rye, oats responsible for enteropathy in genetically susceptible individuals. Malabsorption which leads to malnutrition is classical form of CD. 
Endomysial, gliadyn and tissue transglutaminase antybodies tests and small bowel mucosal biopsy are use in CD diagnosis.
We report 3 patients: 12, 16, 18 month’s old with adynamic ileus diagnosed by clinical signs, ultrasound and X-ray examinations. Two children living in the country and received gluten diet before 5 month’s of life, one from small town received gluten in 12 month’s. Children were vomiting, had diarrhoea and bowel distension. Malnutrition was observed.
Laboratory examinations reveal: hipochromic anaemia, hipo- and dysproteinemia, low electrolytes blood levels.
In all children IgA, antyendomysial antibodies (IgAEMA) level in sera was assessed and small bowel mucosal biopsy was done.
Results: In all children IgAEMA were positive, total IgA was in normal limits. In one child III0 and in two IV0 jejunal mucosa atrophy was find out in microscopic investigation. The treatment regimen was: total parenteral nutrition, followed by partial parenteral nutrition, gluten and milk free diet. On gluten- free and low lactose diet rapid clinical and biochemical improvement was observed.
Conclusion: Celiac disease is a possible reason of adynamic ileus in children receiving gluten diet in early life.