Jarosik K., Smolewska E., Biernacka M., Niwald M., Tomecka D., Stanczyk J.
Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Institute of Pediatrics, Medical University of Lodz, Poland

Introduction: The connective tissue diseases in children are the major diagnostic and therapeutic problem because of broad spectrum of clinical features. The inflammatory reactions involve the skeletal system and internal organs including cardiovascular system. The abnormalities are found in heart muscle, endocardium, pericardium and vessels. The aim of the study was the evaluation of cardiovascular abnormalities signficant in making decisions in treatment and prophylaxis. 
Methods: Investigations were performed in the group of 35 children with connective tissue diseases. The group consisted of 32 children with juvenile chronic arthritis, 2 children with lupus erythomatosus and 1 child with dermatomyositis. The middle age was 12,4 years (4-18). Each patient underwent physical examination, ECG, echocardiography and Holter monitoring. 
Results: The abnormal signs in physical examinations were found in 12 children (34,2%). In 6 cases there was systolic murmur, in 5 children tachycardia, and in 2 patients premature heart beats during ausculation. ECG abnormalities were seen in 10 patients (28,5%). There were: sinus tachycardia (6 pts), ventricular and supraventricular premature contractures (2 pts), RBBB (2 pts) and 1 degree block a-v (1 patient). The echocardiographic changes were found in 23 patients (65,7%). In 4 children there was the pericardial effusion, in 5 children the increase of diameter and volume of left ventricle, in 4 children decrease of contractility. The insufficience of mitral (8 pts) and tricuspidal (2 pts) valve was also observed. The abnormalities of classic Holter monitoring found in 11 patients (31%) included sinus tachycardia (8pts), ventricular and supraventricular premature contractures (2pts) and 1 degree a-v block. Conclusions: 1.Cardiovascular abnormalities in children with connective tissue diseases are diagnosed in over one half of the patients. 2. Echocardiography is the most valuable method of diagnosing and monitoring in this group of patients