Inoyatova F. I., Abdumadjidova Sh. U., Mukhamedov N.B., Inogamova G.B., Akhmedova A.Kh. 

Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The purpose of our investigation was to determine the interrelationship between clinical course of chronic viral hepatitis B and severity degree of endotoxemia in children.

The main clinical symptoms of endotoxemia were complaints of weakness and  flaccidity, which were determined in 91,3% of study children. All study children were divided into three groups according to severity of clinical symptoms. Group 1 included children with mild symptoms, group 2-children with moderate symptoms and group 3-with severe symptoms.

From clinical symptoms syndrome of cholestasis was observed more frequently than others in patients with endotoxemia of the 2nd.and 3d degree, however,manifestation of this syndrome was lower than manifestation of dyspeptic and hemorrhagic syndrome. Patients with chronic viral hepatitis with high degree of endotoxemia were found dyspeptic syndrome (48,8%), this is , evidently, associated with damage of detoxicational liver function and damages of other organs of gastrointestinal tract. Hemorrhagic syndrome in study children with toxemia of different degree was expressed moderately and occurred with less frequency than dyspeptic syndrome. The manifestation of mesenchyal-inflammatory syndrome depended on the degree of syndrome of endotoxemia. Evaluation of the relation between hepatotropic syndrome and syndrome of endotoxemia showed that this syndrome was more intensive in children with endotoxemia of the 3d degree than of the 1st and 2nd  degree. Interrelationship between cytolysis syndrome and endotoxemia was weaker that dependence of mesenchyal-inflammatory syndrome, hemorrhagic syndrome, and cholestatic syndrome on endotoxemia degree. In cases of chronic viral hepatitis with syndrome of endotoxemia there was noted significant increase in quantity of circulating immune complexes 5-7,5 times in our observations.

Conclusion: Syndrome of endotoxemia had an effect on the clinical course of

Viral hepatitis, induced disorders in the immune system in these patients, that

Resulted in progress of chronic viral hepatitis B in these patients.