Oliveira W.C.1, Silva A.A.M.2, Camarinha A.S.B.3, Nakano R.2

1 Hospital of Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil

2 Infantile Center Boldrini, Campinas, Brazil

3 Hospital Unimed, Rio Claro, Brazil


Mycotic aneurysm in children is a rare pathology resulting sometimes from septic emboli originating from bacterial endocarditis or in the majority cases today in a presence of a pseudoaneurysm secondary infected associated with a positive culture or evidence of cellulitis.

We report the case of a previous health girl 15 months old presenting a fast growing left cervical mass in a period of 20 days, with fever and palor. Admitted to our hospital she had a left cervical mass sized 4 cm with phlogistic sings, left eyelid ptosis and had had a previous moderate episode of epistaxis.

Admission laboratory tests were negatives for Toxoplasmosis, Mononucleosis and Aids. Blood count: Hgb 10.4, Hct 30.3, rare microcytosis, anisocytoses +, rare atypical lymphocytes,

WBC 9100, N 39, L55, M5, E 1, Plt 427 000.


MRI: showed an expansive lesion measuring 5.4cm×4.6cm×4.2cm in topography of carotid space, reaching parótid space and parapharynx occupying sinuspharynx and distorting oralpharynx..

Cerebral angiograph: showed an aneurismatic thrombosis lesion of left internal cervical carotid artery.

The patient was undergone to an aneurismectomy in june 2000 and she was completely recovered so far a 10 months follow up.

The aim of this case report is to consider this rare pathology in a cervical mass differencial diagnoses.