Vakhrameeva S, Syurakshina M

Institute of Paediatrics, RAMS, Moscow, Russia


Objective: Our observation of schoolchildren with various clinical forms of allergic diseases (AD) was aimed at revealing the frequency of concurrent  psychosomatic functional diseases in children of various age.

Methods: Our research was based on the examination of 67 children aged from7to15 years with AD using epidemiological and clinical immunological methods.

Results: The observation showed that 61% of examined children complained of cefalgii at the end of the day, prolonged periods of subfebrile temperature were recorded in 16.4% of patients; bed wetting was revealed in 18% of cases, hypertension and hypotension in 38% and 26% accordingly; 76.5% of examined children with allergies complained of frequent abdominal pains, repeated nausea and vomiting was observed in 36.4% of cases, retarded physical growth was recorded in 17.7% of patients, and 83% of such children were naughty and had frequent conflicts with teachers and peers at school. Thus, an average hypertension and hypertension record for schoolchildren was 14%, subfebrility was recorded at 19.8%, bed wetting was estimated at 12%.

Conclusion: The results of our research prove that the frequency of hypertension and hypertension among schoolchildren with allergic diseases is higher than that recorded for the general child population (14%), bed wetting record in the tested group was also somewhat higher than the general level (12%),while the subfebrility records in our research and the general data showed little difference (16.9% and 19.8% accordingly). The frequency, character and gravity of concurrent psychosomatic functional diseases in children with allergic pathologies must be further explored and need be considered in treatment of allergies in schoolchildren to improve the effectiveness of treatment and quality of life.