Mansour Bahrami

Mehrad General Hospital, Tehran, Iran


General Information:

The population of Iran is about 65,000,000 - 51.35% of the population is under 20 years of age

39.5% of the population is under 15 years of age

4.32% of the population is above 65 years of age

61.4% of the population lives in cities and 55% of these people live in 23 large cities.

The average age of marriage for girls is 19.7 years and for boys is 24.4 years.

The General Fertility rate in Iran is 79.5 / 1000 including 95.7 / 1000 in villages and 69.2 / 1000 in cities.

The rate of unwanted pregnancies in cities is 26.7% while in villages is 22.4%.

The rate of population growth in Iran is 1.41%.

75% of women are educated, and females occupy 52% of the seats in universities.

It has been predicted that by the year 2020 the population will reach to about 90,000,000.

Trained people handle almost 90% of the deliveries.

Purified water supply is accessible for more than 90% of the villagers and 98% of the urban people.

Family planning has been started since 1989.

Health network in Iran, which is considered as a successful example in world, covers over 85% of the whole population, and reproductive health is a one of the parts of these services.

43,000 females cooperate with the health network.

750,000 students, being health co-workers transfer hygienic suggestions to their classmates and families.

2,100 health workers live in 2000 labor health unit providing general and reproductive health care for the labors.

In industrial sections, there are 350 maternity health care unit and 1020 social care unit, while 220 professional experts cooperating with them.

400 counseling centers for young couples exist, which train them about reproductive health care.

Students in high schools, also students at universities are obliged to take a course on population and reproductive health care.

Counseling center for young individuals has been accomplished since August 1992.

Their aim is to:

help them develop their personalities

fulfill the social, physical, psychological and emotional requirement

encourage them to lead a healthier and happier life

There are efforts taken place in the military services to train the soldiers about reproductive health. Men are also encouraged to participate in family planning.