
Problems of children's health connected with ecological catastrophe of the Aral Sea

Mazhitova Z

Kazakh State Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Catastrophe of the dying Aral Sea (AS) is global and hasn't analogies on scopes and influences on Planet environment.Existent ecological and sociality-economical processes had given a reason – to declare this region as zone of ecological catastrophe.Results of investigations, which were conducted by the collaborators of KazSMU, showed, that every child from the ASregion has some kind lesion of many organs and systems.Deficit of body mass, delay of growth and sexual development were revealed among one half of children. 83% children have lesion of mucous membranes and skin with violation a skin pigmentation because of hypovitaminosis and microelements deficiency. Chronic bronchitis with the typical morphological changes is detected among every second child.High frequency of inborn lesion of respiratory system development and bronchoectasises should draw a special attention.All children from the ASregion have affection of alimentary system.Atrophic gastritis with expressed morphological changes of stomach mucous membrane in the form of violation of the cells elements differentiation. Chr.gastritises are accompanied by the stomach dysbacteriosis with detection of different microflora. High frequency of toxic hepatitises, nephropaties, urolithiases among 5-6 y. o. children was noted. Affection of the genetic apparatus among the children was as well detected. Study of the immune status detected the considerable decrease of the non-specific immunological reactivates. Thus, practically there are no healthy children in the ASregion, and 89% of them have simultaneous affection of different  organs and systems.