UNEPSA > Pediatric Subspecialty Societies

Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PRES)


Patricia Woo
Windeyer Institute UCL
Paed. Reumatology
46, Clevesland Street
London WIP6DB
Tel.: 0044 171 504 9148
Fax: 0044 171 436 0783
E-mail: patricia.woo@ucl.ac.uk

Home Page of UNEPSA

Proposal for the UNEPSA web site and UNEPSA Newsletters (later v.s. EPA web site) | UNEPSA (EPA) missions and aims | Contacts,  UNEPSA Council |
Constitution of UNEPSA | Draft of EPA (European Paediatric Association) | National Paediatric Societies in Europe | Paediatric Subspeciality Societies |
Minutes of the UNEPSA General Assembly, 13th and 14th August 1998 | Demography of Paediatric Primary Care (PPC) in Europe